They take the famous NYPD rationale of having a large police presence, ensuring prevention of and a quick response to crime. The LCPD is known for its very aggressive techniques in pursuing crime, most notably saturating a high-crime area (or one or more individuals committing several crimes in short succession) with dozens of police officers and patrol cars. The Police Mavericks can be seen often in the skies of Liberty City, most often patrolling with Annihilators above major bridges such as the Hickey Bridge and East Borough Bridge, looking for potential signs of terrorism.

Aviation assistance can be summoned from one of the four police stations with aviation facilities. The Aviation Unit of the LCPD has a fleet of Police Mavericks that are on constant patrol. The LCPD is organized into different divisions. They reign in a "complete operational" status over Liberty City, meaning they are the primary law enforcement organization in the city even if the FIB and NOOSE have a presence there. The Liberty City Police Department has around 40,000 police officers who each serve many different roles, most notably "walking the beat" on patrol all throughout Liberty City.